Friday, December 02, 2011

Good Men Doing Something

If you haven't heard already, a wonderful thing happened recently over at Reddit. Before I link you to the actual story, let me give you some background about Reddit and why I have enjoyed the site for years. 

Founded in 2006, Reddit is a social news site, comprised of communities where members post/link newsworthy (germane to the community) information. The community then upvotes or downvotes the post. If the link receives enough upvotes, it goes "front page" making it a very popular story. Reddit actually began/inspired Steven Colbert's Rally to Restore Truthiness. Some historic post examples would be:

Two days ago, a redditor asked the Assistance community for help. You see, he's dating a lady whose nephew, Lucas, has a rare (read "one in a million") blood disorder. The family lives in Florida but treatments will be given at Duke University, and the temporary move and the treatments were bound to bankrupt the family. You can read more about it here

(That's Lucas in the picture, wearing his Reddit shirt!)

So, within twelve hours, redditors had donated more than $30,000 to help the family defray the costs of relocating and treatments! More on this here

This, Folks, is why I am a Humanist. With all of the shitty, shitty things going on in this world, there are still people who have hope for humanity. There are still people who actively contribute to restoring hope in humanity. 

I'm so thankful for redditors. 

Oh, and please don't forget that there are other kids out there who need help. You might be able to pitch in. Consider registering at Be The Match

See you soon,

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